Total War Warhammer Free Company Militia

CategoryClose-Quarters Infantry
Unit size90
Cost (MP):500 (450)
Melee attack:28
Melee defence:25
Charge Bonus:14
Weapon Damage:21
Armour-Piercing Damage:7
Melee Interval:4.2 s
Missile Damage:12
Armour-Piercing Missile Damage:2
Reload Time:8.1
  • Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy outside the deployment zone.
  • Hide (forest): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.

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Free Company Militia is a Empire missile infantry unit. These men did not ask for war, yet it has come all the same. With sword in hand, they fight because they must.

Description[edit | edit source]

Whilst state troops form the mainstay of the Empire’s military forces, its armies are often bulked out by ad hoc regiments of militia who are recruited, willingly or not, to fight as and when required. No one can foretell how many will turn up at the muster, or what their fighting quality will be. After all, these irregular troops receive no formal training or discipline. Many militias are formed of townsfolk and villagers levied from the local countryside – brave men standing ready to defend their homes and families against the monsters and beasts that constantly threaten them. Other militias are bands of mercenaries, bandits or other curs used to living by the strength of their sword arm, hired or pressed into service.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

  • Fire whilst moving: This unit can fire while on the move.
Warhammer total 2 war
  • Decent Melee Combatant: Despite being primarily a missile unit or spellcaster, this unit can also hold its own ground when fighting in melee.
  • Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy in an expanded deployment area, allowing it to start the battle within striking distance of the enemy - or somewhere unexpected.
  • Weak Against Armour: This unit's attack can hardly punch through armour and is thus wasted on heavily armoured enemies.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Free Company Militia are a versatile ambusher infantry unit that can survive in melee better than most missile infantry. Their purpose is to attack from the flanks, pouring in damage to enemies being held down by state troops. They can also be used to fend off harassing units like hounds or light cavalry with their missiles and decent melee stats. Their ranged pistol attack is very ineffective very heavy armor.

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